The goal of this seminar is to work ecumenically for the expansion of the season from four to seven weeks. This seminar seeks to collect, collate and/or produce and provide appropriate Advent worship and homiletical resources for clergy, church musicians, and congregations; also to author as well as solicit scholarship that will support and interpret this proposal for liturgical renewal.
Seminar Report 2023
Suzanne W. Duchesne ( is Vis- iting Assistant Professor of Preaching & Worship and Director of the Chapel, New Brunswick Theological Seminary, New Brunswick, NJ, and an Elder of the United Methodist Church.
Members in Attendance
Deborah Appler, Jill B. Comings, Suzanne Duchesne, Elise A. Feyterherm, W. Richard Hamlin, Laura E. Moore, Priscilla E. Petersen (guest), William H. Petersen
Description of Work
Two papers were presented (see below) and other members presented material as part of a continuing seminar project for posting on our website.
Papers and Presentations
- Suzanne Duchesne, “Expanded Advent as De-Colonializing Liturgy.”
- Sill B Comings & Laura Moore, “Praying ‘in, with, and for’ the Reign of God/Kingdom of Christ/Commonwealth of the Holy Spirit: An Intercessor Prayer Resource for an Expanded Advent.”
- Elise Feyerher, “Lectionary Notes & Sermon Helps, Yr A, Advent 1 (Sa- pientia Sunday).”
- William H. Petersen, Lectionary Notes & Sermon Helps, Yr A, Advent 3 (Rex Gentium Sunday).”
- Deborah Appler, “Lectionary Notes & Sermon Helps, Yr A, Advent 6 (Oriens Sunday).”
Other Work and Plans for the Future
- Finishing Lectionary Notes & Sermon Helps for Yr A, Advent Sundays 2, 3, 7.
- Presenting Lectionary Notes & Sermon Helps for Y C, Advent Sundays 1-
- Paper(s) on Liturgical-Theological Implications of an Expanded Advent for Other Seasons of the Church
- 2025 Lectionary Notes & Sermon Helps for Advent Sunday 1-7 in Year
Seminar Report 2022
William H. Petersen ( is the founder of the NAAL’s Advent Project Seminar (2005). He is Emeritus Dean & Professor of Bexley Hall (Episcopal) Seminary where he taught liturgics, history, & spirituality
Members in Attendance
Elise A. Feyterherm, W. Richard Hamlin, Laura E. Moore, William H. Petersen, Suzanne Duchesne, Julie Martin Hutson, Jill B. Comings
Visitors in Attendance
Julie Martin Huston
Description of Work
The seminar heard and discussed two papers, reviewed our website ( and made plans for enhancements, and updated our list of congregations participating in the observance of an expanded Advent.
Papers and Presentations
- William H. Petersen, “Repenting the Evil Done on Our Behalf—Corporate Repentance as Appropriate Penitential Aspect of an Expanded Advent.”
- Laura E. Moore, “Convergence or Conflict? A Comparison of the RCL and the Women’s Lectionary in an Expanded Advent Season.”
Other Work and Plans for the Future
This year’s convener is pro-tem and we will be looking to select a new convener for the next three years. We will also be re-inviting two new potential members to join us with Visitor status. Solicitation of reviews, resources, and/or papers from congregations participating in an expanded Advent observance in various traditions in the US, Canada, Europe, and Australia.
Seminar Report 2020
The Rev. Elise A. Feyerherm, PhD, Associate Rector at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Brookline, MA, mentor to the Anglican/Episcopal Communi- ty of Learning and adjunct faculty at the Boston University School of Theology, and convener of the Liturgy and Music Commission of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts.
Members in Attendance
Deborah Appler, Elise Feyerherm, William Petersen
Description of Work
We met jointly with two other NAAL seminars.
Ecology and Liturgy. We attended this seminar to hear a paper on the interpreta- tion of readings from Luke 1 in the Advent lectionary, particularly the Song of Zechariah and the Magnificat. We were particularly struck by the theme of “turn-
ing the hearts of the fathers to their children,” as it brought questions of caring for the earth for future generations to the fore during the season of Advent. The active role of children (and adults) as embodied beings in liturgy raised significant ques- tions for us around how to continue to ensure that people of all ages and abilities are included and cherished in our Advent liturgies.
This paper also raised the question of how liturgy moves us to a new way of be- ing. Both the Advent Project Seminar and the Ecology and Liturgy Seminar work according to the premise that liturgy should lead us toward God’s realm of justice, peace, equity, and abundance, and caring for the earth is a part of that movement forward. How do our liturgies open us up and empower us to change our behavior toward God’s creation?
Liturgical Music. We joined with the Liturgical Music seminar for a paper on the characteristics of Advent hymnody and a singing session devoted to newly composed pieces for Advent. Advent Project member William Petersen presented a paper to the joint group on “Hidden Treasures: Discovering Unusual Advent Music.” His paper explored three hymns: O Day of God; Lord Christ When First you Came to Earth; and Joy to the World. Each stand as an unexpected Advent hymn, and each calls our attention to an under appreciated aspect of the Advent season, especially its eschatological character.
Other Work and Plans for the Future
We continue to work on updating our website; we also seek worshiping commu-
nities interested in observing a seven-week Advent season and contributing to the conversation about renewing Advent in the larger Church.