of the North American Academy of Liturgy

The Proceedings of the North American Academy of Liturgy is published annually by the Academy for its membership and for scholars, libraries, and religious communities and organizations that would benefit from the research and collaboration of the Academy.

Link to read the Current Issue of NAAL Proceedings

Jason J. McFarland, Ph.D.
Executive Secretary for Liturgy, Australian Catholic Bishops Conference
Lecturer in Liturgical Studies and Sacramental Theology, Australian Catholic University

Contact the Editor

Christopher Grundy, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Preaching and Worship
Associate Dean of the Chapel
Eden Theological Seminary

Katherine E. Harmon., Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Theology
Marian University

Rev. Bryan Cones, Ph.D.
Honorary Postdoctoral Researcher
Editor, Australian Journal of Liturgy
University of Divinity (Melbourne)


David Turnbloom, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Theology
University of Portland

Contact the Subscriptions Manager

Information for Contributors


The deadline for submission has been extended to March 1, 2022.

All submissions must be received on or before February 15 following the Academy meeting. If you do not receive a confirmation within 48 hours, please contact the editor.

Submission File Format

All submissions must be uploaded in a Word compatible format (.doc/.docx/.rtf).

Illustrations, Graphs, Charts, Special Characters, or Diacritics

If there are any graphs, tables, illustrations, charts, or any special characters or diacritics, a PDF text (or, if requested, a hard copy) should accompany the electronic submission as well. The author may be asked to provide a high–­resolution JPEG file for any illustrations.


The text should be double spaced with one–­inch margins on all sides of the page. Paragraphs and block quotes should be indented .25″. Please do not use Word “headlines” formatting or preexisting Word paragraph styles. Please do not use spaces for tabs or indentations. The text should be divided by appropriate subheadings.

For Contributors to Part 1: Plenary Sessions

Submit your plenary text after the Academy Meeting or at the latest by 15 February of the year of the meeting using the form below. The author is responsible for the accuracy of all quotations and documentation. Please include a short biographical notice (up to three lines).

For Contributors to Part 2: Seminar Reports

Seminar Convener reports are submitted using the Seminar Report form on the Convener Resources page. Seminar Convener reports are due to the Proceedings editor by February 15 of the year of the meeting.

For Contributors to Part 3: Peer-­­Reviewed Seminar Papers

1. Submissions for part three should ordinarily not exceed twenty–­five double–­spaced pages, with 1” margins and a standard 12–­point font (approximately 7,500 words, excluding documentation).

2. Please note that all submissions for part three must have been presented at a seminar session and come with some form of recommendation by the seminar members for consideration of publication in Proceedings. Seminar conveners are free to determine the process. Multiple papers from a seminar can be submitted. The accompanying e-­mail should indicate the seminar in which the paper was presented. The editor will confirm with the convener that the paper was presented and has the support of the seminar.

3. All submissions for part three are peer reviewed. To facilitate the anonymous review process, please be sure that your name does not appear in the text.

4. The author is responsible for the accuracy of all quotations and documentation. By submitting a text for consideration for part three, the author agrees that the text in whole or in part is neither under consideration nor accepted for publication in another venue.


Proceedings follows The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition (2017), Documentation One (footnote/endnote). Spelling is arbitrated with Webster’s Third New International Dictionary and its chief abridgment, Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary.

Full bibliographic information should be included in the first reference. Subsequent references may be shortened. There should be no free-­standing bibliography.

All submissions will undergo copyediting, layout design, and proofreading. Editorial changes that do not materially affect the meaning of the text may be introduced. All footnotes will be converted to endnotes.

Sample Documentation


1. Paul Lakeland, Postmodernity and Christian Identity in a Fragmented Age: Guide to Theological Inquiry (Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress, 1997), 22.

Chapter in a Multi-author Book

2. Ronald A. Mercier, “The Holy Spirit and Ethics,” in Moral Theology: New Directions and Fundamental Issues, ed. James Keating (New York: Paulist, 2004), 44.

Chapter in a Single-­­Author Book

3. Graham Green, “Religion as Imagination in Modern Thought,” in Imagining God: Theology and the Religious Imagination (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1989), 9–27.

Journal Article

4. Aidan Kavanagh, “Confirmation: A Suggestion from Structure,” Worship 58, no. 5 (1984): 387.

5. Dolly Sokol, “Parish Models of the RCIA,” Liturgical Ministry 15 (Spring 2006): 87–94.

6. Barbara Newman, “What Did It Mean to Say ‘I Saw’? The Clash between Theory and Practice in Medieval Visionary Culture,” Speculum 80, no. 1 (January 2005): 25,

Online Resource

7. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, “Worship Formation Modules,” Growing–­In–­Faith/Worship/Learning–­Center/Worship–­Formation–­Modules.aspx (accessed 16 November 2011).

8. Vatican II, Sacrosanctum Concilium (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy) (1963), ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-­­ ii_const_19631204_sacrosanctumconcilium_en.html (accessed 3 September 2011).

9. Anthony Ruff, “Missal Translation: The Inside Story,” Pray Tell (blog), 6 November 2010,–­directory–­watch–­this–­space/ (accessed 5 November 2011).