Single Book Exhibitor Information
at the Annual Meeting

Exhibit Reservation

Michael Prendergast, the exhibit coordinator, will assign a display table for you at the meeting. If you are bringing or shipping display titles only, Michael will set these up for you at the meeting.


Single Title Service

In order to accommodate the many members who have books published with firms that do not have sufficient titles for a full table, the North American Academy of Liturgy is making available a Single Title Service.
This service will allow a company or an Academy member or visitor to display a single copy of a title and an order form for that title at a common table at the Academy Meeting. (Individuals or publishers who will not be present may send up to 5 titles)


Displaying your Book

A single copy of the book and an order form may be provided by the author at the meeting or shipped to the hotel not later than December 30 (please contact Michael Prendergast, the exhibit coordinator for instructions about shipping titles no later than December 1).
The order form should provide spaces to collect the name, e-mail address, and number of copies of the title desired.
Books must be picked up at the end of the conference, they cannot be shipped back to the publisher or author.
Individuals or publishers may also bring or ship catalogues or flyers (limit of 50 of each)

If you would like to participate in this program, please complete the form below.