Past Meetings

Select a year from the list below to view details from our past meetings.

2020 Annual Meeting

Sheraton Downtown Atlanta Hotel

January 2-4, 2020

President: Bruce Morrill

Vice President: Gennifer Brooks, “Irrelevant Wisdom: NAAL and the Margins”

Berakah Award: Joyce Ann Zimmerman
Response: “The Relationality of Gratitude”

2019 Annual Meeting

Sheraton Downtown Denver Hotel

January 3-5, 2019

President: Melinda Quivik

Vice President: Bruce Morrill, “Can the Easter Season’s Mysticism Empower Ethical Praxis?”

Berakah Award: Martin Seltz
Response: “Booking Worship: Thanksgivings and Petitions after Fifth Years of Lutheran Liturgical Publishing”

2018 Annual Meeting

Hyatt Regency, Vancouver, BC, Canada

January 4-6, 2018

President: Jennifer Lord

Vice President: Melinda Quivik, “Preaching: The Preservation of Fire”

Berakah Award: Ruth Duck
Response: “The Open Table of the World”

2017 Annual Meeting

Marriott Renaissance Downtown, Washington DC

January 5-7, 2017

President: Joyce Ann Zimmerman

Vice President: Jennifer Lord, “Their Proclamation Has Gone Out into All the Earth: An Account of Orthodox Church Bells”

Berakah Award: Gerard Austin, O.P.
Response: Liturgy/Church: Two Sides of One Coin

2016 Annual Meeting

Hyatt Regency, Houston, TX

January 7-10, 2016

President: Donald LaSalle

Vice President: Joyce Ann Zimmerman, “Living the Evangelical Counsels or, Doing Liturgy with a Heart”

Berakah Award: Marjorie Procter-Smith

2015 Annual Meeting

Hyatt Regency, Minneapolis, MN

January 1-4, 2015

President: Maxwell Johnson

Vice President: Donald LaSalle, “Liturgy and the Poesis of Time”

Berakah Award: Ruth Langer, “The Blessings and Challenges of Interreligious Prayer”

Diekmann Award: Virgilio Elizondo

Plenary Speaker: Hugh Page, Jr., “Biblical Laments, Blues and the Music of Prince”

2014 Annual Meeting

Hyatt Regency, Orlando, FL

January 2-5, 2014

President: Michael Witczak

Vice President: Maxwell Johnson, “Sancrosanctum Concilium, A Liturgical ‘Magna Carta’ Then and Now”

Berakah Award: Gil Ostdiek, “Reflections on the Place of Worship”

2013 Annual Meeting

Hyatt Regency, Albuquerque, NM

January 3-6, 2013

President: Craig Satterlee

Vice President: Michael Witczak
Vice Presidential Address: “The Liturgical Movement: A Personal Examen”

Berakah Award: Edward Foley
Response: “Practical Liturgics: A ‘Fusionary’ Tale”

2012 Annual Meeting

Hyatt Regency, Montreal, Quebec, CANANDA

January 5-8, 2012

President: Catherine Vincie

Vice President: Craig Satterlee
Vice Presidential Address: “Speaking a Hospitable Word in Worship:  Becoming Good Liturgical Guests”

Berakah Award: Louis Weill
Response: “An Invitation into a Larger Room”

2011 Annual Meeting

Hyatt Regency, San Francisco, California

January 6-9, 2011

President: Jill S. Crainshaw

Vice President: Catherine Vincie
Vice Presidential Address: “Praying with the New Cosmology”

Berakah Award: Richard S. Vosko
Response: “The Language of Liturgical Space: Archetypes and Clichés”

2010 Annual Meeting

Hyatt Milwaukee, Wisconsin

January 7-10, 2010

President: H. Richard Rutherford

Vice President: Jill S. Crainshaw
Vice Presidential Address: “Wording Wisdom: The Wise, Strange, and Holy Work of Worship”

Berakah Award: Gail Ramshaw
Response: “A Conversation with Julian of Norwich about Liturgical Language”

Plenary Address: Aminah Beverly McCloud
“Worship in Islam: What Muslims Want Jewish and Christian Liturgists to Know”

2009 Annual Meeting

Hyatt Baltimore, Maryland

January 2-5, 2009

President: Judith M. Kubicki

Vice President: H. Richard Rutherford
Vice Presidential Address: “Baptismal Anointing in the Eastern Mediterranean: Old Questions—New Evidence from Cyprus”

Berakah Award: Janet R. Walton
Response: “Dwelling in Possibility”

Godfrey Diekmann Award: Louis-Marie Chauvet
Response: “Are the Words of the Liturgy Worn Out? What Diagnosis? What Pastoral Approach?”

2008 Annual Meeting

Hyatt Savannah, Georgia

January 3-6, 2008

President: Ruth C. Duck

Vice President: Judith M. Kubicki
Vice Presidential Address: “Worship in a Time of Violence and Disruption: Celebrating an Eschatological Vision with a Broken World”

Berakah Award: Paul F. Bradshaw
Response: “Is Liturgical History a Thing of the Past?”

Plenary Address: Griffin Lotson
“The Darien Shouters”

2007 Annual Meeting

Park Hyatt, Toronto, Ontario

January 4-7, 2007

President: Paul Turner

Vice President: Ruth C. Duck
Vice Presidential Address: “Holy Ground: On Being Liturgical Artists and Scholars”

Berakah Award: John F. Baldovin SJ
Response: “The Usefulness of Liturgical Theory”

Plenary Address: Richard Schneider
“Orthodox Iconography as Liturgical Art: Call and Response between the Painted Icon and the Living Icon”

2006 Annual Meeting

Hyatt Islandia, San Diego, CA

January 5-8, 2006

President: Thomas H. Schattauer

Vice President: Paul Turner
Vice Presidential Address: “What We’re Not”

Berakah Award: Gordon Lathrop
Response: “Ordo and Coyote: Further Reflections on Order, Disorder and Meaning in Christian Worship”

Diekmann Award: Catherine Bell

Plenary Address: Orlando Espín
“Whose Lex Orandi? Whose Lex Credendi? Popular Catholicism as a Theological Problem for Liturgy”

2005 Annual Meeting

Hyatt Regency, Louisville, KY

January 6-9, 2005

President: Doris Donnelly

Vice President: Thomas H. Schattauer
Vice Presidential Address: “Re-imaging the Christian Assembly: The Search for an Alternative Practice of Worship”

Berakah Award: Kevin Seasoltz, OSB
Response: “Berakah Response”

Plenary address: M. Cathleen Kaveny
“Salvation and The Sopranos:  Is Redemption Possible?”

2004 Annual Meeting

Grand Hyatt, Grand Central Station, New York City, NY

January 2004

President: Ruth Meyers

Vice President: Doris Donnelly
Vice Presidential Address: “Amen”

Berakah Award: Rabbi Lawrence Hoffman
Response: “A Rendezvous of Ancestors:  Wrestling for Ritual Truth”

Plenary Address: Leo D. Lefebure
“Memory, Mimesis, Healing:  Ritual Responses to Violence in the Abrahamic Traditions”

2003 Annual Meeting

Indianapolis, Indiana

January 2-5, 2003

President: Michael Driscoll

Vice President: Ruth Meyers
Vice Presidential Address: “‘It Really Does Matter’:  Liturgists and Worshiping Communities”

Berakah Award: Dr. Hoyt Hickman
Response: “Berakah Response”

Diekmann Award: Edward Sovik

Plenary Address: Frank Burch Brown
“Religious Music and Secular Music:  What Is the Difference?”

2002 Annual Meeting

Reston, Virginia

January 3 – 6, 2002

President: Gabe Huck

Vice President: Michael Driscoll
Vice Presidential Address: “Finding Our Voice ”

Berakah Award: Fr. Clarence Rivers
Response: “Berakah Response”

Plenary Address: Peter Phan
“Popular Religion and Liturgical Inculturation: Perspectives and Challenges from Asia”

2001 Annual Meeting

St. Louis, Missouri

January 4 – 7, 2001

President: Gail Ramshaw

Vice President: Gabe Huck
Vice Presidential Address: “How Will They Know What to Do?”

Berakah Award: Mr. Robert Rambush

Plenary Address: Rosemary Radford Ruether
“Greening Liturgy: Integrating Ecology into Liturgical Theology and Practice”

2000 Annual Meeting

Tampa, Florida

January 2-5, 2000

President: Emmanuel Cutrone

Vice President: Gail Ramshaw
Vice Presidential Address: “The Valley of Dry Metaphors”

Berakah Award: Fr. John Gallen SJ
Response: “The Role of the Artist in Liturgical Inculturation”

Plenary Address: Rodney Clapp
“At the Intersection of Eucharist and Capital”

1999 Annual Meeting

Vancouver, BC

January 2-5, 1999

President: Alan Barthel

Vice President: Emmanuel Cutrone
Vice Presidential Address: “Looking through the Blur:  Academy, Church and Reception of Reform”

Berakah Award: Dr. Geoffrey Wainwright
Response: “The Nature of Communion”

Plenary Address: Michael Ingham
“Christians and Inter-Faith Dialogue:  Singing Two Songs in a Strange Land”

1998 Annual Meeting

San Antonio, TX

January ____, 1998

President: Edward Foley

Vice President: Alan Barthel
Vice Presidential Address: “_______________________________,” Worship ___________________.

Berakah Award: Dr. Nathan Mitchell
Response: “____________________,” Worship ______________________.

Plenary Address:

1997 Annual Meeting

Chicago, IL

January 4-7, 1997

President: Frank Senn

Vice President: Edward Foley
Vice Presidential Address: “Academy Membership:  A Case Study in Liturgical Methodology”

Berakah Award: Mr. Frank Henderson
Response: “Full Participation in the Liturgy:  A Continuing Search”

Plenary Address: R. Stephen Warner
“Observations about Liturgical Catechesis: Clueing in the Visitor”

1996 Annual Meeting

Cincinnati, OH

January 4-7, 1996

President: Janet Walton

Vice President: Frank Senn
Vice Presidential Address: “In All Particulars: A Postliberal Approach to Ecumenical and Interfaith Worship”

Berakah Award: Dr. Hans Boehringer
Response: “Response to the Berakah Award”

Plenary Address: William J. Schickel
“A Tribute to Grailville at Fifty”

1995 Annual Meeting

Boston, MA

January 5-8, 1995

President: Peter Fink

Vice President: Janet Walton
Vice Presidential Address: “Toward a Measure of Worship”

Berakah Award: Dr. Harold Daniels
Response: “Service Books and Ecumenism”

1994 Annual Meeting

Charleston, SC

January 2-5, 1994

President: Paul Bradshaw

Vice President: Peter Fink
Vice Presidential Address: “Diversity in Communion; or, Whatever Happened to BEM?”

Berakah Award: Fr. Edward Kilmartin SJ
Response: “Catholic Tradition of Eucharistic Theology”

Plenary Address: Wade Clark Roof
“The Changing American Religious Landscape: Implications for Ritual”

1993 Annual Meeting

Albuquerque, NM

January 2-5, 1993

President: Gil Ostdiek

Vice President: Paul Bradshaw
Vice Presidential Address: “Worship in an Alien Land”

Berakah Award: Sr. Mary Colllins OSB
Response: “An Adventuresome Hypothesis:  Women as Authors of Liturgical Change”

Plenary Address: Hilaire Valiquette, OFM
“Pueblos and Catholicism”

1992 Annual Meeting

Washington, DC

January 2-5, 1992

President: Larry Hoffman

Vice President: Gil Ostdiek
Vice Presidential Address: “Unfinished Conversations”

Berakah Award: Dr. Donald Saliers
Response: “The Ecstatic and the Quotidian”

Plenary Address: Robert Michael Franklin
“Definite Spirituality:  Worship and Formation in the Black Churches”

1991 Annual Meeting

Minneapolis, MN

January 2-5, 1991

President: John Baldovin

Vice President: Larry Hoffman
Vice Presidential Address: “Marshall McLuhan, How’re We Doin’?  Academy As Medium, Academy as Message”

Berakah Award: Fr. David Power OMI
Response: “When Words Fail: The Function of Systematic Theology in Liturgical Studies”

1990 Annual Meeting

St. Louis, MO

January 2-5, 1990

President: Kathleen Hughes

Vice President: John Baldovin
Vice Presidential Address: “The Ecumenical Challenge to the Academy”

Berakah Award: Sr. Theophane Hytrek OSF

Plenary Address: Ron Grimes
“Emerging Ritual”

1989 Annual Meeting

Nashville, TN

January 2-5, 1989

President: Horace T. Allen, Jr.

Vice President: Kathleen Hughes
Vice Presidential Address: “The History and Hopes of the Liturgical Movement: A Tribute on the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy”

Berakah Award: Dr. Balthasar Fischer
Response: “Some Memories”

Symposium:  “Tradition and Enculturation in the Music of the Liturgy”

  • Edward Foley, Capuchin, “Introduction”
  • Sue Seid-Martin, “Which Music?”
  • Fred R. Anderson, “Tradition and Enculturation of the Music of the Liturgy”
  • Virgil C. Funk, “Reflections on the Issues of Enculturation, Style, and the Sacred-Secular Debate”
  • Peter Jeffery:  “A Response”

1988 Annual Meeting

San Francisco, CA

January 4-7, 1988

President: David Power

Vice President: Horace T. Allen, Jr.
Vice Presidential Address: “Politics as the Business of Liturgy”

Berakah Award: Fr. Michael Marx OSB and Fr. Aelred Tegels OSB
Response: “Response to the Berakah Award” given by Aelred Tegels, OSB

Plenary Address: Regis A. Duffy, OFM
“Alternative Futures for Worship:  Genesis and Implications”

Plenary Address:  Joseph M. Powers, SJ
“Liturgy and ‘Dignity'”

1987 Annual Meeting

Tarrytown, New York

January ____, 1987

President: John Barry Ryan

Vice President: David Power
Vice Presidential Address: “_______________________________,” Worship ___________________.

Berakah Award: Dr. Thomas Talley
Response: “____________________,” Worship ______________________.

Plenary Address:

1986 Annual Meeting

Durham, NC

January ____, 1986

President: Mary Collins

Vice President: John Barry Ryan
Vice Presidential Address: “_______________________________,” Worship ___________________.

Berakah Award: Fr. Gerard Sloyan
Response: “____________________,” Worship ______________________.

Plenary Address:

1985 Annual Meeting

Philadelphia, PA

January ____, 1985

President: Gordon Lathrop

Vice President: Mary Collins
Vice Presidential Address: “_______________________________,” Worship ___________________.

Berakah Award: Fr. Robert Taft SJ
Response: “____________________,” Worship ______________________.

Proceedings: ____________.

1984 Annual Meeting

Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois

January 3-5, 1984

President: Mark Searle

Vice President: Gordon W. Lathrop
Vice Presidential Address: “A Rebirth of Images: on the Use of the Bible in Liturgy” Worship 58(1984) 291-304.

Berakah Award: Dr. Eugene L. Brand
Berakah Response, “Ecumenism and the Liturgy” Worship 58(1984) 305-315.

Proceedings: Worship 58(1984) 290-383.

1983 Annual Meeting

Cathedral College, Douglaston, and St. John’s University, Queens, New York

3-6 January, 1983

President: John H. McKenna

Vice President: Mark Searle
Vice Presidential Address: “New Tasks, New Methods: The Emergence of Pastoral Liturgical Studies” Worship 57(1983) 291-308.

Berakah Award: Dr. James F. White
Response: “Making Changes in United Methodist Euchology” Worship 57(1983) 333-344.

Proceedings: Worship 57(1983) 290-384.

1982 Annual Meeting

Candler School of Theology at Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia

4-7 January 1982

President: Don E. Saliers

Vice President: John H. McKenna
Vice Presidential Address: “Liturgy: Toward Liberation or Oppression?” Worship 55(1981).

Berakah Award: Fr. Robert W. Hovda
Response: Worship 55(1981) 344-356.

Proceedings: Worship 56(1982) 290-384.

1981 Annual Meeting

Loyola-Marymount University, Los Angeles, California

5-8 January, 1981

President: Louis Weil

Vice President: Don E. Saliers
Vice Presidential Address: “The Integrity of Sung Prayer” Worship 55(1981) 290-303.

Berakah Award: Mr. Frank Kacmarcik
Response, “We are Formed or Deformed by our Environments and Arts” Worship 55(1981) 359-380.

Proceedings: Worship 55(1981) 290-384.

1980 Annual Meeting

Catholic University of America, Washington, DC

2-5 January, 1980

President: Gerard Austin

Vice President: Louis Weil
Vice Presidential Address
“Liturgy in a Disintegrating World” Worship 54(1980) 291-302.

Berakah Award: Fredrick R. McManus
Response, “The Genius of the Roman Rite Revisited” Worship 54(1980) 360-378.

Proceedings: Worship 54(1980) 209-382.

Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey

2-5 January, 1979

President: James F. White

Vice President: Gerard Austin
Vice Presidential Address
“The Constitution and the Academy: A Coincidence of Anniversaries” Worship 53(1979) 291-301.

Berakah Award: Horton M. Davies
Response, “A Protestant Vindication of Liturgics” Worship 53(1979) 371-378.

Proceedings: Worship 53(1979) 290-383.

1978 Annual Meeting

University of San Francisco, San Francisco, California

3-6 January, 1978

President: Charles W. Gusmer

Vice President: James F. White
Vice Presidential Address
“Outside the Liturgical Establishment or Who Needs Us?” Worship 52(1978) 291-299

Berakah Award: Massey H. Shepherd Jr.
Response, “The Berakah Award: Response” Worship 52(1978) 299-313.

Proceedings: Worship 52(1978) 290-384.

1977 Annual Meeting

Casa San Jose, San Antonio, Texas

3-6 January, 1977

President: Daniel B. Stevick

Vice President: Charles W. Gusmer
Vice Presidential Address
“A Bill of Rites: Liturgical Adaptation in America” Worship 51(1977) 283-289.

Berakah Award: Godfrey Diekmann
Response, “Some Memories” Worship 51(1977) 362-372.

Proceedings: Worship 51(1977) 282-376.

1976 Annual Meeting

Loyola University, New Orleans, Louisiana

5-8 January, 1976

President: John Gallen

Vice President: Daniel B. Stevick
Vice Presidential Address
“Responsibility for Liturgy” Worship 50 (1976) 291-306.

Berakah Award: Aidan Kavanagh
Response, “Liturgical Business Unfinished and Unbegun” Worship 50 (1976) 354-364.

Proceedings: Worship 50(1976) 290-367.

1975 Annual Meeting

University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana

2-5 January 1975

Convened by John Gallen who is elected first President

Keynote by Mary Collins, “Liturgical Methodology and Cultural Evolution of Worship in the United States” Worship 49(1975) 85-102.

“A Response to the Keynote” Hans Boehringer, Worship 49(1975) 103-106.

Proceedings: Chronicle of Worship 49(1975) 113-117.

1973 First discussion meeting

Scottsdale, Arizona

4-7 December 1973

Founder: John Gallen

First gathering explored the possibility of forming a Liturgical Academy

Major addresses published in Theological Studies 35, #2 (1974) 233-311.

  • Walter J. Burghardt, “Theologian’s Challenge to Liturgy”
  • Langdon Gilkey, “Symbols, Meaning, Divine Presence”